Come and See Us At The 2025 Portland House & Outdoor Living Show!
April 4th – 6th at the Oregon Convention Center
In a perfect world, your garage door would always work the way it is supposed to — but it doesn’t always happen that way. One of the main problems you may encounter with your garage door is the need to repair a broken garage door spring. Your entire garage door mechanism is dependent upon your garage door springs, and without them, your garage door simply won’t work properly.
Schedule Garage Door Spring Repair
You may feel that you know how to fix a broken garage door spring yourself, but we do not recommend this. A garage door spring mechanism is surprisingly powerful, and if you don’t have experience working with garage door springs, you could severely injure yourself. In addition to the dangers involved in trying to repair a broken garage door spring yourself, there is also potential danger to your garage. Improper garage door spring repair could seriously damage your entire garage door or garage door opener system, requiring a much costlier repair or even a complete replacement of your system.
It’s highly recommended you consult the Best Overhead Door experts. We use only the most highly trained technicians for your garage door spring repair or replacement — technicians who are practiced and familiar with all manner of broken spring problems on all kinds of garage doors.
How To Tell If Your Garage Door Spring Is Broken
While our Best Overhead Door experts are always happy to offer garage door spring repair in Tualatin and other locations in the Portland and Vancouver areas, if your springs are broken or more than 7 years old, you may want to consider a complete replacement. For homeowners using their garage door as their front door, you may want to consider a high cycle spring. Industry standard is 10,000 cycles. If you use your door seven to eight times per day, that is about a four-year life expectancy. We also offer upgrades of up to 15,000 or 25,000 or higher cycle springs.
We at Best Overhead Door pride ourselves on always using the highest quality parts, so when we replace your old garage door springs, you’ll know your new springs are ones you can trust for years to come.
As springs work, they relax over time causing the door to weigh more. This causes the garage door opener to work harder and shorten the life of the opener. When the door is released from the opener it can come down hard and crash to the ground, causing further damage to the door, or worse, injure someone. For these reasons, this is why we suggest regular inspections. Regular inspection and maintenance of your garage door springs can go a long way to keeping your springs functioning at a high level for a long period of time.
With the amount of stress garage springs are subjected to daily, regular inspection and maintenance is extremely important for the health and longevity. While we expect the new garage door springs we install will last you a very long time, it’s always a good idea to listen to what your garage is telling you. If you hear unusual sounds, like straining or creaking noises coming from your garage door when it opens or closes, call Best Overhead Door right away. We can provide a garage door tune-up to make sure everything is functioning properly.
When a garage door spring breaks, the common assumption is that replacing the broken spring is sufficient. However, adhering to the industry standard of 10,000 cycles for garage door springs suggests a broader approach. It is advisable to replace all the springs on the door, ensuring that each has undergone approximately 10,000 cycles or more. Neglecting this may lead to the second spring breaking within 1 to 6 weeks.
Garage doors typically come equipped with nylon rollers, without bearings, rated at 50lbs for 10,000 cycles. Additionally, the end plates feature bearings with a 10,000-cycle lifespan. Over time, cables may stretch or fray, posing safety risks such as the door falling and causing injury or hindering garage access. The cables also spool up on the cable drum, which tends to wear out. The shaft, sometimes referred to as a tube, holding the springs, has set screws that may become out of round with repeated adjustments of the spring or drum. Consequently, it is advisable to replace all these components when a spring breaks, indicating the door has undergone approximately 10,000 cycles.
Considering that the average homeowner uses their garage door 7-10 times a day, reaching 10,000 cycles takes around 3.91 years for 7 uses and 2.73 years for 10 uses per day. To enhance security, ensure quiet smooth operation, and extend longevity, opting for extended-life or high-cycle rollers is recommended. Standard rollers have a 50lbs rating for 10,000 cycles, while an 11-ball bearing nylon roller is rated at 75lbs for 15,000 cycles. The best choice is a 13-ball bearing sealed roller with a 100lbs rating at 100,000 cycles. Ultimately, replacing all components when a spring breaks is not only a sound security measure but also a cost-effective approach for prolonged functionality.
Best Overhead Door is here and ready to handle all of your garage door and garage door spring projects. Whether you’re ready to upgrade your garage door with brand new, high-quality garage door springs, are in need of replacement springs or are just looking to do some preventative maintenance on your garage door, contact Best Overhead Door today.
April 4th – 6th at the Oregon Convention Center